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International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
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"International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment"

2021, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A

Soil nutrients and carbon increment dynamics in broadleaf and chirpine forests of community forests Bhaktapur, Nepal

Author(s): Sanjeev Raj Dhakal, Ram Asheshwar Mandal and Ajay Bhakta Mathema

Abstract: The study gaps have been seen on carbon stock status and Mean Annual Carbon Increment (MACI) in different staged plants. Therefore, this study aimed to assess status of carbon stocks in Schima-Castanopsis and Chirpine strata in community forest (CF), to compare the mean annual carbon increment in Schima-Castanopsis and Chirpine Forest among the community forests and to assess the status of major soil nutrients (N, P, K) & pH in both types of forest. Specifically, two (Schima-Castanopsis and Chirpine composition) of three community forests of Bhaktapur district were selected for this study. Stratified random sampling applying randomized block experimental design was used maintaining 5% sampling intensity. Altogether 45 sample plots were taken from Schima-Castonopsis and Chirpine strata, particularly, 28, 11 and 6 from Patle, Bhingali and Kandelipakha CFs respectively. The plots having 20*25, 10*10, 5*5, 2*5 and 1*1m2 were established for tree, pole, sapling, seedling and litter, herbs and grass respectively. Parameter like diameter at breast height and height of the plant were measured and samples of seedling and Litter, Herbs and Shrubs were collected. Moreover, soil samples were collected from 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm depth. Biomass carbon was estimated using Chave et al., equation. Further, soil carbon, N, P, K and pH were calculated in the lab. The result showed that above ground biomass carbon (AGBC) was found to be highest with nearly 43 t/ha at Patle community forest which was followed with 39 t/ha by Bhingali community forest while it was the lowest 29 t/ha in Kadeliko Pakha community forest in Schima- Castonopsis forest strata. Likewise, in Chirpine strata, AGBC was the highest at Patle CF with about 28 t/ha, about 26 t/ha at Kadeliko Pakha CF and lowest amount of carbon was found at Bhingali CF with about 24 t/ha. The carbon stock in Schima-Castanopsis forest and Chirpine forest were found 71.52 t/ha and 58.36 t/ha respectively. The MACI was the higher in Schima-Castanopsis forest than in Chirpine forest. One way ANOVA showed that, the p value (df=2,17, p=0.176) was greater than 0.05, therefore the average MACI among the community forest were not significantly different at 5 % level of significance and so as Tukey’s b test too. The N and K content were higher in Chirpine forest whereas P was found higher in Schima-Castanopsis forest. Soil pH value ranges from 4.44-6.14 and 5.10-5.98 in Schima-Castanopsis and Chirpine forests respectively indicating slightly acidic soil.

Pages: 35-46 | Views: 642 | Downloads: 136

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International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
How to cite this article:
Sanjeev Raj Dhakal, Ram Asheshwar Mandal, Ajay Bhakta Mathema. Soil nutrients and carbon increment dynamics in broadleaf and chirpine forests of community forests Bhaktapur, Nepal. Int J Geogr Geol Environ 2021;3(2):35-46.
International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
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