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International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
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P-ISSN: 2706-7483, E-ISSN: 2706-7491
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"International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment"

2021, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part B

Travel pattern of health utilization to primary health care centres in Madurai district

Author(s): C Vinothini, Dr. V Saravanabavan and Dr. D Balaji

Abstract: Medical geography as an interdisciplinary field of study concerned with variations of disease incidence as expressed in mortality or morbidity with the demonstration of possible cause and effect relationship with health utilization, elements of physical, biological and socio-cultural environments in space. The main objectives of the study are; a. To analyze the patient perception and satisfaction level who avail these PHC healthcare services. b. To analyze the travel Behavior pattern of patients from their residence to the PHC with respect to their age and sex indicators. The study area Madurai district lies between 9° 30′ north to 10° 30′ North latitudes and 77° 30′ east to 78° 30′ East longitudes. The data for the present study was collected from primary and secondary source. The random sampling technique is adopted to collect the primary data in all 13 blocks of Madurai district. Altogether about 260 sample respondents have been interviewed from the study area for the Questionnaire method. The data has been analysed by means of Descriptive statistical techniques and to identify the proximity of the health centres buffer method, multiple ring buffer method, overlay analysis are prepared by Arc GIS 10.3 software platform. To identify health service area in Madurai District, spatial analysis techniques were applied. The Study describes about patients perception and utilization of travel behavior pattern among sex and age variation and healthcare planning of PHC’s in Madurai District.

Pages: 144-151 | Views: 793 | Downloads: 226

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International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
How to cite this article:
C Vinothini, Dr. V Saravanabavan, Dr. D Balaji. Travel pattern of health utilization to primary health care centres in Madurai district. Int J Geogr Geol Environ 2021;3(2):144-151.
International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
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