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International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
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"International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment"

2022, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B

Groundwater prospectus mapping using well points based on remote sensing and GIS techniques in a micro-watershed

Author(s): Rishu Pandey, Ravi Chaurey, Er. HK Solanki, Santosh Kumar and Ram Moorat Singh

Abstract: Evolution of the Groundwater Prospectus mapping using well points based on Remote Sensing and GIS techniques in a micro-watershed tributary Musi River, Ranga Reddy District, Southern Telangana zone State. The study area map showing a unit with horizontal in green Colour indicates that the expected yield range in that unit is 100-200 LPM and the depth range of the well is >80 M, horizontal hatchuring in red and yellow Colour indicates that the expected yield range in that unit is 50-100 LPM and the depth range of the well is >80 M, Oblique hatchuring in yellow Colour indicates that the expected yield range in that unit is 50-100 LPM and the depth range of the well is 30-80 M, The inselberg’s, linear ridges, dykes; etc. in red Colour indicates that expected no yield. However, the purpose of studying the research manuscript using well points data for delineation of groundwater quality analysis and Groundwater mapping.

Pages: 145-153 | Views: 563 | Downloads: 212

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International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
How to cite this article:
Rishu Pandey, Ravi Chaurey, Er. HK Solanki, Santosh Kumar, Ram Moorat Singh. Groundwater prospectus mapping using well points based on remote sensing and GIS techniques in a micro-watershed. Int J Geogr Geol Environ 2022;4(1):145-153.
International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment