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International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
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"International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment"

2022, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B

Evaluation of anthropogenic stress on ecological quality of riparian habitat of Kolar River

Author(s): Mushtaq Ahmad Ganie, Hilal Ahmad Bhat and Abhilasha Bhawsar

Abstract: Riparian zones are among the major ecologically valuable ecosystems due to their abundant richness in biological diversity and services. The present study was conductedon Kolar River, in a stretch of about 80 kms to assess the ecological quality of riparian habitat using qualitat del bosc de ribera (QBR) index. In this study, QBR index has been used to determine the riparian habitat quality of Kolar River. The selected stretch (60 km) has been divided into eight different sampling sites. The on-site assessment has been carried out on the left and right banks of Kolar River on these sites using different parameters for assessment of riparian habitat quality like total riparian cover, cover structure, cover quality and channel alteration. These parameters have been analyzed and it was evaluated that some sites along the banks of river viz; (S1, QBR score = 75), (S3, QBR score = 85) (S3, QBR score = 80) and shows QBR score in between 75-90 (Green) which reveals good quality and some disturbance of riparian habitat whereas the sites S4, S5, S6, and S8 reflects QBR score of 70, 65, 60 and 55 respectively which lies in between 55-70 (Yellow) that determines fair quality and important disturbance of riparian habitat. Moreover, site seven (S7) shows (QBR score=50) in the range of 30-50 (Orange) which reflects strong alteration and poor quality of riparian zone. The current conditions of riparian zone were due to increase in anthropogenic activities like built-up, overgrazing, deforestation and expansion in agricultural activities. Human dependence as livelihood is being the major cause of the change in riparian zone of study area. Therefore, it is compulsory to save riparian habitat quality of Kolar River from further disturbances and degradation by anthropogenic pressures.

Pages: 84-88 | Views: 743 | Downloads: 242

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International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
How to cite this article:
Mushtaq Ahmad Ganie, Hilal Ahmad Bhat, Abhilasha Bhawsar. Evaluation of anthropogenic stress on ecological quality of riparian habitat of Kolar River. Int J Geogr Geol Environ 2022;4(1):84-88.
International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment
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