Factors affecting the cropping pattern: A case study of Sonipat district, Haryana
Author(s): Naresh Kumar, Sharmila Badhwar and Sandeep Dahiya
Abstract: Present research work studied about the factors which influence the cropping pattern in Sonipat district. A survey with a sample size of 200 participants was carried out in order to investigate the cropping patterns in the Sonipat district and examine the variables affecting them. The respondents were chosen by random selection from the district's Community Development Blocks. Participants were included in the sample by randomly selecting 25 respondents from each of the village that were randomly picked from each C.D. Block. Data were collected using a pre-tested questionnaire, and SPSS was used to analyse the results. The study's conclusions showed that the most important elements influencing changes in the cropping pattern in the Sonipat district are marketing and climatic change. In addition, a significant number (80%) of the respondents said they wouldn't use the same cropping strategy going forward. It is significant to note that the extent of the farmers' land holdings is closely related to the cropping pattern in the Sonipat District. It is possible to have a better knowledge of the cropping patterns in the Sonipat district and the variables influencing them by performing this study and analysing the results. Policymakers, researchers, and farmers may find this information useful in developing sound plans for the improvement of the region’s agricultural and means of subsistence.
Pages: 78-83 | Views: 723 | Downloads: 434Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Naresh Kumar, Sharmila Badhwar, Sandeep Dahiya. Factors affecting the cropping pattern: A case study of Sonipat district, Haryana. Int J Geogr Geol Environ 2022;4(2):78-83.