"International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment"
2023, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A
Land use land cover change detection in Jalgaon district, Maharashtra: A geographical study (2005-2015)
Author(s): Mukesh B Patil and Shaileshkumar A Wagh
One of a nation's most valuable natural resources is its land. Both land use and land cover refer to human activities, such as built-up (Residential, Commercial, Agricultural land, and Recreation areas) land. In contrast, natural vegetation, water bodies, and hilly areas comprise the land cover. Jalgaon district as the study region used data and the map extracted from the Bhuvan website. Available data is divided as per requirements such as LULC class as well as Rural and Urban Categories. With the aid of computer programs, including MS Excel, the analytical approach was applied for the current study to generate several graphical presentations. Including the mapping methods used in cartography data analysis data on land use and land cover of the Jalgaon district reveals a sharp rise in the amount of developed land and a sharp decline in the amount of agricultural and vegetative cover inside the study region limits.
Mukesh B Patil, Shaileshkumar A Wagh. Land use land cover change detection in Jalgaon district, Maharashtra: A geographical study (2005-2015). Int J Geogr Geol Environ 2023;5(1):44-53. DOI: 10.22271/27067483.2023.v5.i1a.140